package com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.form; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMCommon; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.JQMContext; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.Mobile; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.form.elements.JQMFormWidget; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.form.validators.NotNullOrEmptyValidator; import com.sksamuel.jqm4gwt.form.validators.Validator; /** * @author Stephen K Samuel 12 Jul 2011 21:36:02 * <br> * A {@link JQMForm} is a standard GWT panel that offers extra * functionality for quick building of input forms. The framework offers * built in validation and error reporting and simplified submission * processing. * <br> * Any {@link JQMSubmit} widgets that are added will be automatically * wired to submit this form. Alternatively, any widget can be set to * programatically submit the form by invoking submit(); */ public class JQMForm extends FlowPanel { /** For example icon can be added: "ui-icon-alert ui-btn-icon-left" **/ public static String globalValidationErrorStyles; private static final String STYLE_OK_VALIDATED = "jqm4gwt-fieldvalidated"; private static final String STYLE_ERRORCONTAIN = "jqm4gwt-errorcontain"; private static final String STYLE_ERROR_TYPE = "jqm4gwt-errortype-"; private static final String STYLE_FORM_REQUIRED = "jqm4gwt-form-required"; private static final String STYLE_FORM_VALIDATOR = "jqm4gwt-form-validator-"; private static final String JQM4GWT_ERROR_LABEL_STYLENAME = "jqm4gwt-error"; private static final String JQM4GWT_GENERAL_ERROR_LABEL_STYLENAME = "jqm4gwt-general-error"; /** The amount to adjust error scroll by so the error is not right at very top */ private static final int ERROR_SCROLL_OFFSET = 80; private final FlowPanel generalErrors = new FlowPanel(); private final List<Label> errors = new ArrayList<Label>(); /** A mapping between the validators and the labels they use to show errors */ private final Map<Validator, Label> validatorLabels = new HashMap<Validator, Label>(); /** A map containing the widgets and the validators that should be invoked on those */ private final Map<JQMFormWidget, Collection<Validator>> widgetValidators = new HashMap<JQMFormWidget, Collection<Validator>>(); private final Map<JQMFormWidget, Collection<HandlerRegistration>> widgetHandlers = new HashMap<JQMFormWidget, Collection<HandlerRegistration>>(); /** * A map containing the validators and the elements/widgets that should * have the class changed depending on the result of the validation */ private final Map<Validator, Widget> notifiedWidgets = new HashMap<Validator, Widget>(); /** The SubmissionHandler is invoked when the form is successfully submitted. */ private SubmissionHandler<?> submissionHandler; protected JQMForm(SubmissionHandler<?> handler) { this(); setSubmissionHandler(handler); } /** * Constructor used by UiBinder. A SubmissionHandler must be set before calling submit. */ public JQMForm() { setStyleName("jqm4gwt-form"); add(generalErrors); } public SubmissionHandler<?> getSubmissionHandler() { return submissionHandler; } public void setSubmissionHandler(SubmissionHandler<?> submissionHandler) { this.submissionHandler = submissionHandler; } /** * Add the given submit button to the form and automatically have it set * to submit the form on a click event. */ protected void add(JQMSubmit submit) { super.add(submit); submit.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { submit(); } }); } /** * Adds the given widget and sets it to be required. Then this field will * be checked to ensure it has a value set before the form will be * submitted. In effect, setting a field to required adds an implicit * "not null or empty" validator. */ public void addRequired(JQMFormWidget widget) { addRequired(widget, true); } public void addRequired(JQMFormWidget widget, boolean immediate) { addRequired(widget, "This field cannot be empty", immediate); } public void addRequired(JQMFormWidget widget, String msg) { addRequired(widget, msg, true); } /** * @param immediate - if true then validator will be called during onBlur() event */ public void addRequired(JQMFormWidget widget, String msg, boolean immediate) { add(widget); setRequired(widget, msg, immediate); } /** * This method will automatically add a label element which will be made * visible with an error message when validate is called on this field and * fails. * <br> * The label element will be located immediately after the supplied widget * (as first sibling). * <br> * If the widget is not null then the an onBlur handler will be registered * that will trigger validation for this validator only. * * @param widget the element to which the error message should be * associated with. If this param is null then the error will * be added as a generic error. * @param validator the validator that will perform the validation */ @Deprecated public void addValidator(JQMFormWidget widget, Validator validator) { addValidator(validator, widget); } /** * see addValidator(null, validator); */ public void addValidator(Validator validator) { addValidator(validator, (JQMFormWidget) null); } public void addValidator(Validator validator, boolean immediate, JQMFormWidget... firingWidgets) { addValidator(null, validator, immediate, firingWidgets); } public void addValidator(Validator validator, JQMFormWidget... firingWidgets) { addValidator(null, validator, true, firingWidgets); } private void addErrorLabel(Validator validator, Label label) { errors.add(label); // keep a list of the errors for easily iteration later validatorLabels.put(validator, label); // connect the label and the validator } /** * Adds a validator and binds it to the collection of widgets. The widget * list can be empty. * * @param validator the validator that will be invoked * @param notifiedWidget the widget that will be notified of the error. If null * then the firing widget will be used. * @param firingWidgets the list of widgets that will fire the validator * @param immediate - if true then validator will be called during firingWidgets onBlur() event * @param positionErrorAfter - optional, if defined then error label will be placed * right after this widget, otherwise it will be added as the current last one. */ public void addValidator(Widget notifiedWidget, Validator validator, boolean immediate, Widget positionErrorAfter, JQMFormWidget... firingWidgets) { boolean labelAdded = false; if (firingWidgets != null) { for (JQMFormWidget w : firingWidgets) { Label la = w.addErrorLabel(); if (la == null) continue; labelAdded = true; addErrorLabel(validator, la); } } if (!labelAdded) { Label label = new InlineLabel(); // create a label that will show the validation error label.setStyleName(JQM4GWT_ERROR_LABEL_STYLENAME); if (globalValidationErrorStyles != null && !globalValidationErrorStyles.isEmpty()) { JQMCommon.addStyleNames(label, globalValidationErrorStyles); } label.setVisible(false); addErrorLabel(validator, label); if (positionErrorAfter == null) { // add the error label to the document as the next child of this form container add(label); } else { boolean inserted = false; Widget w = positionErrorAfter; while (w != null) { int i = getWidgetIndex(w); if (i >= 0) { i++; // next after w while (i < getWidgetCount()) { Widget wi = getWidget(i); if (wi instanceof Label && JQMCommon.hasStyle(wi, JQM4GWT_ERROR_LABEL_STYLENAME)) { i++; // next after previous errors } else { break; } } insert(label, i); inserted = true; break; } w = w.getParent(); } if (!inserted) add(label); } } registerValidatorWithFiringWidgets(validator, firingWidgets, immediate); boolean required = validator instanceof NotNullOrEmptyValidator; String validatorClass = STYLE_FORM_VALIDATOR + getShortClassName(validator.getClass()); if (notifiedWidget != null) { notifiedWidgets.put(validator, notifiedWidget); notifiedWidget.getElement().addClassName(validatorClass); if (required) notifiedWidget.getElement().addClassName(STYLE_FORM_REQUIRED); } else if (firingWidgets != null) { for (JQMFormWidget w : firingWidgets) { w.asWidget().getElement().addClassName(validatorClass); if (required) w.asWidget().getElement().addClassName(STYLE_FORM_REQUIRED); } } } public void removeValidator(JQMFormWidget firingWidget, Validator validator) { if (firingWidget == null || validator == null) return; Collection<Validator> validators = widgetValidators.get(firingWidget); if (validators == null || !validators.contains(validator)) return; validators.remove(validator); if (validators.isEmpty()) { widgetValidators.remove(firingWidget); Collection<HandlerRegistration> handlers = widgetHandlers.get(firingWidget); if (handlers != null) { for (HandlerRegistration h : handlers) h.removeHandler(); widgetHandlers.remove(firingWidget); } } Label label = validatorLabels.get(validator); if (label != null) { remove(label); errors.remove(label); validatorLabels.remove(validator); } boolean required = validator instanceof NotNullOrEmptyValidator; String validatorClass = STYLE_FORM_VALIDATOR + getShortClassName(validator.getClass()); Widget notifiedWidget = notifiedWidgets.get(validator); if (notifiedWidget != null) { notifiedWidgets.remove(validator); notifiedWidget.getElement().removeClassName(validatorClass); if (required) notifiedWidget.getElement().removeClassName(STYLE_FORM_REQUIRED); removeStyles(validator, notifiedWidget); } firingWidget.asWidget().getElement().removeClassName(validatorClass); if (required) firingWidget.asWidget().getElement().removeClassName(STYLE_FORM_REQUIRED); removeStyles(validator, firingWidget.asWidget()); } public void addValidator(Widget notifiedWidget, Validator validator, boolean immediate, JQMFormWidget... firingWidgets) { final Widget pos; if (firingWidgets != null && firingWidgets.length > 0) { pos = firingWidgets[firingWidgets.length - 1].asWidget(); } else { pos = notifiedWidget; } addValidator(notifiedWidget, validator, immediate, pos, firingWidgets); } public void clearValidationErrors() { for (Label label : validatorLabels.values()) { label.setVisible(false); } clearValidationStyles(); } /** Remove all validation styles */ public void clearValidationStyles() { for (JQMFormWidget widget : widgetValidators.keySet()) { UIObject ui = widget.asWidget(); Collection<Validator> validators = widgetValidators.get(widget); for (Validator v : validators) { if (notifiedWidgets.containsKey(v)) { ui = notifiedWidgets.get(v); } removeStyles(v, ui); } } } private int getFirstErrorOffset() { for (Label label : errors) { if (label.isVisible()) { return JQMContext.getTop(label.getElement()); } } return 0; } public void hideFormProcessingDialog() { Mobile.hideLoadingDialog(); } private void registerValidatorWithFiringWidget(final JQMFormWidget widget, Validator validator, boolean immediate) { boolean registered = widgetValidators.get(widget) != null; // add a blur handler to call validate on this widget but only if // this is the first time this widget has been registered with a validator if (immediate) { if (!registered) { HandlerRegistration blurReg = widget.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() { @Override public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { validate(widget); } }); ArrayList<HandlerRegistration> handlerLst = new ArrayList<HandlerRegistration>(); handlerLst.add(blurReg); widgetHandlers.put(widget, handlerLst); } } if (!registered) { widgetValidators.put(widget, new ArrayList<Validator>()); } widgetValidators.get(widget).add(validator); } private void registerValidatorWithFiringWidgets(Validator validator, JQMFormWidget[] widgets, boolean immediate) { if (widgets != null) for (JQMFormWidget widget : widgets) { registerValidatorWithFiringWidget(widget, validator, immediate); } } public int getValidatorCount(JQMFormWidget widget) { if (widget == null) return 0; Collection<Validator> validators = widgetValidators.get(widget); return validators != null ? validators.size() : 0; } public Validator getValidator(JQMFormWidget widget, int validatorIndex) { if (widget == null || validatorIndex < 0) return null; Collection<Validator> validators = widgetValidators.get(widget); if (validators == null || validatorIndex >= validators.size()) return null; int i = 0; Iterator<Validator> iter = validators.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Validator v =; if (i == validatorIndex) return v; i++; } return null; } private static String getShortClassName(Class<?> clazz) { if (clazz == null) return null; String s = clazz.getName(); int p = s.lastIndexOf('.'); if (p >= 0) return s.substring(p + 1); else return s; } private static void removeStyles(Validator validator, UIObject ui) { ui.removeStyleName(STYLE_ERROR_TYPE + getShortClassName(validator.getClass())); ui.removeStyleName(STYLE_ERRORCONTAIN); ui.removeStyleName(STYLE_OK_VALIDATED); } protected void scrollToFirstError() { int y = getFirstErrorOffset(); if (y == 0) return; y -= ERROR_SCROLL_OFFSET; if (y < 0) y = 0; Mobile.silentScroll(y); } /** * Set a general error on the form. */ public void setError(String string) { Label errorLabel = new Label(string); errorLabel.setStyleName(JQM4GWT_ERROR_LABEL_STYLENAME); errorLabel.addStyleName(JQM4GWT_GENERAL_ERROR_LABEL_STYLENAME); generalErrors.add(errorLabel); Window.scrollTo(0, 0); } /** * Sets the given widget to be required with a custom message. Then this * field will be checked to ensure it has a value set before the form will be submitted. * <br> * In effect, setting a field to required adds an implicit "not null or empty" validator. */ public void setRequired(JQMFormWidget widget, String msg) { setRequired(widget, msg, true); } public void setRequired(JQMFormWidget widget, String msg, boolean immediate) { addValidator(new NotNullOrEmptyValidator(widget, msg), immediate, widget); } public boolean isRequired(JQMFormWidget widget) { if (widget == null) return false; Collection<Validator> validators = widgetValidators.get(widget); if (validators == null) return false; Iterator<Validator> iter = validators.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Validator validator =; if (validator instanceof NotNullOrEmptyValidator) return true; } return false; } public void removeRequired(JQMFormWidget widget) { if (widget == null) return; Collection<Validator> validators = widgetValidators.get(widget); if (validators == null) return; Validator notNullV = null; List<Validator> notNullLst = null; Iterator<Validator> iter = validators.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Validator validator =; if (validator instanceof NotNullOrEmptyValidator) { if (notNullV == null) notNullV = validator; else { if (notNullLst == null) notNullLst = new ArrayList<Validator>(); notNullLst.add(validator); } } } if (notNullV != null) removeValidator(widget, notNullV); if (notNullLst != null) { for (Validator v : notNullLst) removeValidator(widget, v); } } public void showFormProcessingDialog(String msg) { Mobile.showLoadingDialog(msg); } /** * This method is invoked when the form is ready for submission. Typically * this method would be called from one of your submission buttons * automatically but it is possible to invoke it programmatically. * <br> * Before validation, the general errors are cleared. * <br> * If the validation phase is passed the the submission handler will be * invoked. Before the handler is invoked, the page loading dialog will be * shown so that async requests can complete in the background. * <br> * The {@link SubmissionHandler} must hide the loading dialog by calling * hideFormProcessingDialog() on the form or by calling Mobile.hideLoadingDialog() */ public void submit(String... submitMsgs) { if (submissionHandler == null) throw new IllegalStateException( "No SubmissionHandler has been set for this Form and it is in an invalid " + "state for submit() until one has been defined."); generalErrors.clear(); boolean validated = validate(); if (validated) { String s = null; if (submitMsgs.length > 0) s = submitMsgs[0]; if (s == null || s.isEmpty()) s = "Submitting form"; showFormProcessingDialog(s); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SubmissionHandler<JQMForm> h = (SubmissionHandler<JQMForm>) submissionHandler; h.onSubmit(this); } else { scrollToFirstError(); } } /** * Perform validation for all validators, setting error messages where appropriate. * * @return true if validation was successful for all validators, otherwise false. */ public boolean validate() { boolean validated = true; for (JQMFormWidget widget : widgetValidators.keySet()) { if (!validate(widget)) validated = false; } return validated; } /** * Performs validation for a single widget, first resetting all validation * messages on that widget. */ protected boolean validate(JQMFormWidget widget) { boolean validated = true; Collection<Validator> validators = widgetValidators.get(widget); for (Validator v : validators) if (!validate(v, widget.asWidget())) validated = false; return validated; } /** * Perform validation for a single validator * * @param ui the {@link UIObject} to change the stylesheet on * @return true if this validator was successfully applied or false otherwise */ protected boolean validate(Validator validator, UIObject ui) { if (notifiedWidgets.containsKey(validator)) ui = notifiedWidgets.get(validator); String msg = validator.validate(); if (msg == null || msg.length() == 0) { validationStyles(validator, null, ui, true); return true; } else { validationStyles(validator, msg, ui, false); return false; } } private void validationStyles(Validator validator, String msg, UIObject ui, boolean pass) { removeStyles(validator, ui); final Label label = validatorLabels.get(validator); if (pass) { // delay cleaning to allow normal button click processing Scheduler.get().scheduleEntry(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { label.setText(null); label.setVisible(false); } }); } else { label.setVisible(true); label.setText(msg); ui.addStyleName(STYLE_ERROR_TYPE + getShortClassName(validator.getClass())); } if (ui.getStyleName().contains(STYLE_ERROR_TYPE)) { ui.addStyleName(STYLE_ERRORCONTAIN); } else { ui.addStyleName(STYLE_OK_VALIDATED); } } }